My kid’s Drummer Book 2

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6.80 $

MKD02- My kid’s Drummer

(RM stated price only for Malaysia)


My Kid’s Drummer is a very interesting drum book for young children at the period between 4 and 6 years of age. It will open the door to the wonderful world of music for them. Learning drum is a journey that can be lots of fun, and very useful. If you start at the beginning and study the basics, you can get that solid foundation and learn the next steps much faster than the people who didn’t. Understanding the fundamentals will also enable you to take your music playing to whole new levels. And the more you learn about drum, the more it all starts to come together and the better it gets as well as the more sense it all makes.

My Kid’s Drummer comes with  QR audio on each exercise. Click to listen to sample audio.



Weight 120 g
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